About Rikki

Above everything else, daily life for me is centered around parenting my three kids (all three are now adults), encouraging them to be responsible, thoughtful, honest, healthy people. To those of you who are parents: our kids learn from our actions even when we aren't meaning to coach them. When we eat good quality, homemade food with them at the dinner table, or make it a priority to get enough sleep every night, or show up to appointments on time, or take care of our own bodies, we lead by example.

Things that are important to me: eating well as often as possible, exercising hard, getting enough good quality sleep, educating myself, and being present with my family (in no particular order).

My credentials include:

 * Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

 * Certified Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

 * A curiosity toward food and nutrition that has led me to personally experiment with food plans such as: 

As a personal trainer, one of my core beliefs is, "You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet." Meaning, if you eat poorly, or eat too much on a daily basis, or regularly eat foods that are lacking in vital nutrients, then no amount of exercise will get you to be strong, healthy and full of energy. 

It saddens me to hear people speak of exercise as their punishment for eating sub optimal foods. Eat crappy foods if you like, but please get to a point where you love exercise for the sake of being strong and building healthy bones, joints and muscles, not as a means to burn off those extra calories that you probably should not have eaten. 

Want to talk more about nutrition, exercise, and your overall well-being? You can reach out to me at rikkistride@hotmail.com.